Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Beach

Yesterday we ventured out to Holland State Park to see the waves. There was supposed to be a storm and cooler weather (read: huge waves though they weren't that big this time.) It was very cold but the gorgeous landscape is worth bearing the temperature! This beach is special to us as Rob proposed to me here on the sand dunes and we were also married right on the beach almost 5 years ago! Anyway, a few pictures to share from yesterday :)

Jack had a blast, even though it was super windy and frigid.

There was only one other person out there and he was kind enough to take a picture for us.

In case you ever wondered what to do if you find yourself in a rip current...


The scenery is so refreshing. I love it.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It's been a while...

A much long overdue post....apologies.

To sum up the last few weeks...
  • Jack was sick.
  • I was sick.
  • He's better.
  • I'm better.
  • We participated as a family in the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life a few weekends ago.
  • Jack gave me the most beautiful balloon for Mother's Day.
  • He learned how to "dance." It's quite humorous. (Going to attempt an uploaded video below...???)
  • I went through allergy testing and had 63 scratches and 48 shots in one day....oy. It was sort of fascinating, actually, and now I have answers!
  • But overall, life is good. :)

We headed to Saugatuck this afternoon on a whim. We head there quite a bit during the summer...this was the first trip of the season. So fun to just stroll and browse, ice cream cone in hand. On our strolls, Jack got to meet a dog named Tiny Tim and thought he was the best little furry, squirmy thing. He laughed with delight when Tiny Tim licked him. It was a sight :) He also had an orange cream soda, chocolate ice cream cone and gobbled up some fancy cheeses (Rob and I LOVE cheeses...good to know Jack has the taste too.) Anyway, after a stop at the Spice Merchants to pick up some rice varieties and Spanish Paprika we decided to head home. What a great, leisurely afternoon :)

The neighborhood pool was opened last week. We decided to take full advantage of that later this afternoon after Saugatuck. Jack certainly didn't forget how much he loves the pool! He was laughing and smiling and screaming (happy screams). He is definitely a water baby. And he looked oh so adorable in his tiny swim trunks :) I'll take pictures on the next pool excursion.

And because photo-free blogs aren't all that exciting, here's one of my favorites from just a week ago...Jack is smiling! He never smiles for the camera...or I should say "rarely" smiles for the camera. He's such a happy boy, but when that camera shows up it's all seriousness. Anyway, I love this one with all of his 8 little teeth :)

Say "cheese!"

The dancing :)

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Trips to the ER and pictures with balloons

Since every post title in the month of April contained the word cupcake I couldn't break that streak. And I couldn't think of how to creatively use the word cupcake again in a title yesterday so I had to wait until today, May 1. Wow, it's May already!

Here's the latest happenings with, Jack :)

Last weekend was rough! On Jack, that is. (Well, I suppose on Rob and I too, indirectly.) Jack had a runny nose for a few days last week but I chalked it up to teething. Then Saturday evening it turned into a horrible fever, wheezing, coughing, congestion and struggled breathing. We decided to take him in to the med center. After a chest x-ray and evaluation, we were told he had RSV. The dr. wanted to admit him to the hospital for observation and regular breathing treatments as he was really struggling to breathe. We opted to have the two breathing treatments and a steroid shot that were offered and to monitor him at home instead. Sunday he was making great improvements. That evening however, he woke up choking/coughing and with the concerning chest retractions again. We took him to the ER and he was put on an inhaler. (By the way, 2am must be the hour to go to the ER...there was NO wait and we were in and out in a little over an hour.) Anyway, that was the worst of it and he is doing SO much better now! We have a follow-up appointment this afternoon with his pediatrician to check his lungs and I am expecting a great report :)

Yesterday we had Jack's 1 year photos taken with the super fabulous Amy Carroll. She put a few photos on her blog yesterday and they're adorable...though I realize I may be biased too :) I can't wait to see the rest! We had such a riot :)

I've compiled a list (more for my own reference as I'm bad about actually writing things in his baby book) of some of Jack's favorite things as of late:

Skates: Every time he sees Rob he shouts "Daddy! Sssssss...." and he knows that daddy will take him skating around the neighborhood. It's so darling! Actually, it's the first thing he says most mornings too to let us know he's up...chanting "Daddy! Sssssss...." from his crib :)

: He could spend hours outside digging through the rocks (and taste testing them all). We have great fun with the simplest things and I certainly have a new appreciation for them.

Lights: Any and all lights, he is just so eager to turn them on and off himself or at least have you acknowledge, "Yes, Jack, that IS a light! Good job!" He points and shouts "di-igh!" He is so proud of himself :)

Wind Chime: We have a little wind chime that hangs in the front door. I got this for him when were in in Calgary earlier this year. For whatever reason, the chime has been nicknamed that "pretty." So he will walk over to the door, point up and yell "Pity!"

Balloons: The balloon obsession continues as well. "Ba-mooon!" He was able to point out the singular mylar balloon that had floated to the very high rafted ceiling in Meijer the other day. "Ba-moon!!!!!!!!!" he says with just passion. I'm sure the other shoppers were in hysterics over his determination to show me the 'bamoon.' :) Balloons now have a strange way of appearing most places we go...or maybe it's just that I notice them now

Hope everyone has a nice finish to the week!